Freddie's Blanket is a unique children's storybook written by Joanna Johnson and illustrated by her husband, Eric Johnson. This hardcover full-color illustrated children's storybook includes a series of five knitting patterns to accompany the story. The book is published by Joanna's independent press, Slate Falls Press, and includes knitting patterns for a child's colorwork blanket, boy platypus doll and clothes, girl platypus doll and clothes, toddler coveralls with toy hammer, and infant swaddling blanket.
Freddie's Blanket
Meet Freddie, a young member of an Australian platypus family, who has an important lesson to learn about growing up -- that his own big bed might just be the best place to sleep after all! At the end of the story, you will discover a fun series of five knitting patterns that allow Freddie's store to be brought to life through the skilled hands of a knitter.